>>It stikes me that there is a bit of a contradiction in following a paleo
>>diet but at the same time using shampoo, moisturiser etc. full of nasty-
>>sounding chemicals.
>There's no contradiction if you don't eat them.

Actually, I once had a neighbor allergic to various soap and moisteriser
ingredients; she had to go out of her way for simple and chemical-free
formulas.  It's all tied together when you think about it.

I have no clue on soaps and shampoos, but I do know that plain old oils do
wonders for the skin.  If the thought of rubbing olive oil on yourself seems
a little too Crisco-esque (turn me over, this side's done!), use a "sweeter"
oil, i.e. almond or grapeseed.  Go to Boulder and you'll find gallons of
patchouli, dude. ;)

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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