On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 22:47:30 -0400, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>

>It has been my experience and as far as I know it is
>an undisputed physiological fact.  Certain cells are absolutely
>glucose-dependent.  These include some brain cells, all red blood
>cells, and all fast-twitch muscle cells.  The fast-twitch fibers
>are recruited during high-intensity anaerobic exertion.  Normally
>there is enough muscle glycogen around for this purpose, but on a
>very low-carb diet, eventually even muscle glycogen gets sent to
>the brain.

Todd, and anyone else who knows about these things,

What do you think the best paleo source of glucose is? And should it be
eaten before or after a workout?

I have looked at some of the literature on cyclical ketogenic diets but I
found it was aimed at bodybuilders preparing for contests, which isn't
very relevant for me :-)

