Hello Brian

I am told that the CW filtering on the 756 is very poor.


I think you wrote  below <[log in to unmask]>,
k5in <[log in to unmask]> writes
>    Hi,
>I just joined this group and this is probably well known but thought I would
>mention it here.
>The mallenium qsy'er by John Hansen.  I just purchased one of these units
>for the Ic706 mark 2 g.  It is an external keypad that allows access to
>memories, vfo, vfo a/b and to do splits.  On the Ic746 and ic756 it allows
>the ability to tickle the voice synthesizor.
>john.hansen.net is the web site and they are $95.00 shipped.  He takes
>paypal and these were originally designed for a friend of his that is blind.
>Then someone suggested he could market them to others.
>Anyway, am looking forward to this list plus will put in a question myself.
>Anybody have experience with the software for controling the Ic706 mk2 g?
>Brian [log in to unmask]
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Louis Kim Kline" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 6:49 PM
>Subject: Re: blind friendly hf radios
>> Hi John.
>> I use a Kenwood TS-690S with the AT-450 auto tuner, and the Kenwood VS-2
>> synthesizer with good results.  I also use the Icom IC-706 Mk II.  The
>> is not as friendly, because it is rather menu driven, and the menus do not
>> talk, of course.
>> I think I have heard of blind users that have the Icom 746, but I haven't
>> experienced this radio yet.  I will say that I like the Icom IC-706, even
>> though it is a little bit of a challenge to use sometimes.
>> 73, de Lou K2LKK
>> Louis Kim Kline A.R.S. K2LKK
>> e-mail [log in to unmask]
>> Work e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
>> Work Tel:  (585) 697-5753
>> At 01:16 PM 6/16/02 -0400, you wrote:
>> >Hi all de w2qcy
>> >
>> >I am sure this item has been discussed countless times but I am looking
>> >advise concerning blind friendly hf radios.  I am considering something
>> >the order of the icom 746 so if anyone has information they wish to
>> >let me know and it will be appreciated.
>> >
>> >73
>> >
>> >John

David W Wood
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