Mary writes:

<<Do a file search for Iemigrat.dll file.  That is a capitol "i" as the first
letter, not a lower case "L."
Right click on the file and click "rename."  Put in anything as a new name,
keeping the .dll extension.
Reboot your computer then install the IE version you want, and you will no
longer get that prompt that you have a newer version on your computer.>>

Renaming or deleting that file (it's in the Windows/System folder) is a
useful ploy, worth noting.

BUT, to me, doing this alone and installing an earlier version where a
later version of IE has been installed, is like playing with a loaded gun.
You still need to uninstall IE6 before reverting to the earlier version.

I shudder to think what a mess you'd make of your registry by installing an
older version over the top of a later one. I'd imagine that you could end
up with all sorts of conflicts, unless you're very lucky.

I'd guess that Microsoft had very good reasons for preventing just that
sort of action by placing the iemigrate.dll in the system as a protection,
and that such an exercise may lead to disaster unless you proceed with caution.

I'd think that you would need to follow the Ms instructions to which Mary
refers very carefully, and that the uninstall would not be an easy matter.
Remember, Mr Gates and his consorts were arguing not long ago that
separating IE out of Windows would be "impossible".

But I'm only guessing, never having done the exercise.

The utility I was thinking of is ieradicator

This excerpt from their webpage illustrates the difficulties I mentioned:

"We will re-release a version that removes the shell integration like
IEradicator used to do shortly. People complained the old IEradicator went
too far, now people are complaining the NEW IEradicator is not severe be it, two versions it will be."

It's tiny and free---but not for XP. It purports to remove all versions of
IE. I've never used it, so can't make any recommendations--but I believe
it's been very popular.

Don Penlington

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