Hi Gang,

Thought I'd ask a simple question or two.  I have here 2 Abit KA7-100 mainboards along with a KA7.  They take the Slot-A CPU.  On this latest board, if I re-seat the CPU several times I might be able to get to the windows desktop but then it freezes whilst emitting 1 continuous high pitched screech.  Generally I take this as the CPU not being seated or bad.  I can occasionally boot into safe mode (Win98SE)and play around in there for awhile with no troubles.  I have checked all drivers, removed all hardware other than RAM, Vid, and Floppy but still showed the same symptoms.  I have tried 3 different known good CPU's and for the most part only receive a black screen when I attempt to boot, no post, only the sound of the CPU fan and hard drive spinning up.  They have all been using UPS's, good cases, and sturd
y well-known power supplies.  The CPU slot is clean and free of any debris.

Am I missing anything?  1 board was supposedly DOA from purchase, 1 lasted a year, and the other has been going for about 2 years.

Any suggestions or thoughts?  I sent a message to Abit, but I have also dealt with them in the past.  In my experience they are the absolute worst company to deal with.  I quit recommending their products a long time ago simply because of lack of support.  So I'm not holding my breath for a response from them.

Sorry so long and Thank You for any replies.  Feel free to reply off-list.

David A. Abbe
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