----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathleen Lunson" <[log in to unmask]>
Fanaticism about what *I* eat is a life-saving, life-enhancing virtue.
Fanaticism about what *other people* eat is not only a vice but also an
exercise in futility


You are so right in this.  If I eat any of my forbidden foods, grain,
doesn't matter which one, legumes, green beans, pinto beans,
tomatoes/potatoes,  then I suffer joint pain.  If I have dairy I suffer
lethargy and what feels like sadness.  I have tested them all over a two
year period and kept notes.  I will do so for another year, wait seven years
and do it again.  Oh, chocolate/cocoa causes me such restlessness for
hours....  It's awful.  I don't even test the blasted stuff....Oliva