From The Point Newspaper.

Sheriffo, Sheriffo, Sheriffo, what has become of you.  In his bribe fest in
New York, Daa Baa (Jammeh) said in so many words thus: I MADE him (Sheriff)
Speaker because he did not just pick up the phone and congratulate me but he
came to my house to extend his gratitute that I won (my emphasis).  That is
what we call "Metlango" in some circles and Daag in others.  In essence, Daa
Baa scratched his head to punder on how he can USE Sheriffo as a mouth
piece, I mean speaker, same thing.  Thus Sheriffo came to New York and
reduced himself to a "Ya Sar Masser" fellow to his grandkid, Daa Baa.  UH!
UH! UH!  Please read on.

OJ Accuses Sheriff Dibba Of Opportunism

Mr. Omar Jallow, popularly known as O.J., has posited that the leader of the
NCP, Mr. Sheriff M. Dibba, of involving himself in the highest stage of
political expediency, opportunism and political crawling under President
Jammeh and attacking the former PPP led government. O.J. made this reaction
in an exclusive interview with this reporter in response to Mr. Dibba’s
speech in the United States of America during President Jammeh’s attendance
to the World Summit for children. The speech was relayed over the GRTS
television as Mr. Dibba labelled the PPP as a party that did not have a good
record of democracy and human rights among others.

O.J. noted that Sheriff Dibba has shown the people that his main desire was
to hold a position in the APRC regime, a quest he said, as confirmed by the
marriage between the NCP and APRC, without taking into consideration the
negative comments he had made against the APRC. He recalled that Mr. Dibba
had earlier vowed during a political meeting in Farafeni never to join a
government composed by people from the army. O.J. charged that Mr. Dibba’s
interest in position has been manifested during their meeting to select the
opposition coalition flag bearer. He said because they unanimously agreed to
select Ousainou Darboe to lead them, Mr. Dibba marched out of the meeting.
He alleged that when he asked him why he did that, Mr. Dibba said, “Because
I thought that when we come here I would be selected.”

He further charged that when it comes to the PPP, Mr. Dibba has nothing to
say against that party under which he held important positions.” Infact, he
was the first ever Gambian to hold the office of the Vice President and at
the same time he was running the Ministry of Finance”, OJ pointed out. He
refuted Mr. Dibba’s assertion that he left the PPP because there were
irregularies in the party, adding that he was instead kicked out by Sir
Dawda because of the Butut saga. “Despite all that,’’ OJ, said, “ Mr. Dibba
was taken to Brussels as an Ambassador due to Sir Dawda’s magnanimity and
after two years, he was again appointed to become the first person to run a
new strategic place in the government as the Minister of Economic Planning”.
OJ added that he was kicked out again because of his inactivity and negative
postures in office.

Commenting on the allegation of torture by the PPP against NCP members
during elections, OJ stated that one should ask Dibba when it comes to
hooliganism and thuggery. OJ added: ‘There is a case in point; for Dibba
organised a group of people and instigated them to beat the members of the
then United Party, a situation that caused havoc in Central Baddibu. “I will
tell you that Mr. Dibba was behind the incarceration of a lot of people in
his own constituency.” OJ further emphasised that because of the respect for
democracy and human rights, the PPP regime allowed Mr. Dibba to contest
election while under detention at Mile II for alleged involvement in the
1981 coup plot with Kukoi Samba Sanyang. He said that when Mr. Dibba was
being tried they even hired Commonwealth judges, inorder to ensure justice
and transparency in the judicial process.

He noted that Mr. Dibba had also moved a vote of no confidence in the Jawara
government, especially on the then Vice President, which was debated for
three days in parliament. He further accused Mr. Dibba of not being a
democrat as he was among the first politicians to support and endorse the
1994 military take over. OJ finally pointed out that Mr. Dibba cannot say
that elections in the former regime were never free and fair as he himself
has been responsible to ensure free and fair election as he himself was
holding the post of Minister of Local Government and Lands responsible for
elections. “Infact he has never challenged the result of any election either
in court or at the National Assembly during his tenure.

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