You're on the right track, congrats on losing the weight!

I use artificial sweetener but try to keep it at a minimum.  What I don't like is the pre-sweetened iced tea one gets at the restaurants here.  It's sugar and makes the tea as thick as syrup.  Ugh.  Fortunately, they usually have unsweetened tea as well, and I order that.

When I was growing up in So. Calif., iced tea was not a staple on menus, but it was a staple about our house, as my dad and grandfather were both Southerners and loved the stuff.  We had mint growing in our yard, which my mother would put in the iced tea for garnishes and added flavour.


On Fri, 17 May 2002 11:54:34 EDT "BG Greer, PhD" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

We only use sweetener, but lots of it. I just went and was weighed at my
doc's office. I was down 6 pounds from the last visit, but was down 16 lbs
from a year ago.


>I've found that lemon and a small amount low-calorie sweetener makes it
>delicious.  A sprig of mint is good, too.