my father in law lives in a community where they have small "houses". one
story, the yard work is done, but if some appliance is broken then he is
responsible for getting a repair man or purchase a new one. i think if i
could get judy to go for that, i'd be okay, but, she is talking about
building something. i don't want to get into a building project when i

oh i think all houses are two story houses, one story before  you buy,
another story after you buy. :-}.

-----Original Message-----
From: BG Greer, PhD [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 11:59 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: gimp housing; was RE: For Bobby

Don't most condo's have the bedrooms upstairs? My knees couldn't take


>Yo, mags!  That is too cool.  Go for the condo, if you can.  It's so nice
>look out my window and see someone else doing yardwork.  True, I have the
>old peeps bitching about my kids, but you won't have that worry.  Betty
>problems too, but I stiil think the bennies of a condo outweigh the
>disadvantages if you're disabled.