At 04:00 PM 4/24/2002 -0500, you wrote:
 >I was recently talking to some people who spoke of a vegetarian diet where
 >they only ate food once it had naturally fallen from the tree, vine or
 >due to weight and gravity, i.e. no picking of fruit or vegetables.  They
 >called these fruits and vegetables "drops."  I've been trying to locate a
 >moa scientific or proper name for such a lifestyle, or more specifically a
 >more scientific name for "drops."  I am a fiction writer and plan to use
 >this information for a story I am working on.  If you can help me answer
 >this question I would greatly appreciate it.

Just a hunch - but you might look into "anopsology" information.  That is
simplistically instinctive eating of foods that have not been processed in
any way - such as a fruit dropping to the ground or plant that sprouts into
a vegetable.  But there is room for picking a fruit that is ripe in that
concept.  And also room for eating of meat of fallen animals, I
believe.  Instinctos are people who eat instinctively foods that have not
been processed.

Good luck in the search.
