On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 09:48:27 +0900, Tom Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>

> How do you all USE this nasty tasting stuff?

Flax oil is very unstable and keeps only some months.
Heat, light destroys it quickly.
At last, that's the reason why LNA, it's main ingredient is hardly ever
found in any ready made food item or in any oils or anything sold in
First ordinary "good" quality flax oil was acceptable for me.
After I discovered a good producer over here ("Rapunzel") and tasted the
oil, I was so much surprised and pleased over it's beautiful taste.
I like to add it's extraordinary good taste taste to many items,
particularly boiled vegetables.

After some months it first turns a little bitter.
The same state you get the usual flax oil in.
This is the moment I discard it (if there's something left).

>I sure do not
>want to cook my eggs in it!

You shouldn't use it for frying, it's very unstable to heat.
Heat it with the warmth of your body.

>Any suggestions? Does the flax oil you use have a strong taste?

It will be hard to get.
Are there flax fields in Japan?
It should have a lable with an expiration daten of not more than 4 months.
You can buy and freeze it.

I suggest to user flax-seeds instead, if you are in the "diaspora".
They contain 35% oil, and in addition beneficial lignans.
I've no recipes however.(Others may have...)
From time to time I eat a spoonfull and chew for some minutes.
Not bad, but requires you to keep your mouth shut for several minutes.

