<Can any of you suggest ways to reduce migraine headache pain without
drugs? >

Greetings PaleoFood Listmates:

You don't know me yet, but I've been lurking for about a week.

I also suffer from migraines and can't take painkillers, and I can't sit
here lurking any longer without mentioning my favorite remedy: the smell of
mint, especially pepermint. I have a really strong mint candle at home
which I find very helpful. I also have a green apple candle which works
sometimes and not other times, but the mint always works.

Peppermint essential oil can be mixed with lotion or moisterizer and rubbed
on the temples and under the nose. It must never be injested because it's
extremely concentrated and I have read that a teaspoon is a fatal dose.

When I was pregnant I got relief from putting a cold, wet washcloth on the
forhead or back of the neck. This shrinks the offending swollen blood

My most notable triggers are cheese and sour cream, but I have also
suffered from eating whipped cream and soy sauce.
