George, don’t worry about Gassama’s ‘selective amnesia’. I am by now used to
his shenanigans. It is all good if he conveniently misses my post and
responds to Joe. Fine with me. I will still ‘follow’ him BEHIND Joe’s
posting and ‘whup’ him. What he does when he ‘responds’ to certain postings
just goes to reaffirm a point I keep making to him; i.e., he is in DENIAL.
He sees things and pretends not to see them. He hears things and pretends
not to hear them. We will continue to ensure that he continues to SEE and
HEAR the TRUTH. What he PRETENDS after seeing and hearing things, is beyond
our control.

People like Gassama are an exhibit of all that is bad in Gambia. Their
despicable behavior taints some of the very good and hardworking Gambians
that are still in that country trying very hard to make ends meet without
resorting to these gorilla tactics sycophants engage in. The Gassamas of
Gambia use praise-singing to promote mediocrity in the country. Gassama’s
biggest asset now is NOT his ‘engineering degree’. No! It is the impression
he gives his peers at Gamtel that he has the ‘ear’ of the AFPRC/APRC. That
is what makes the Gassamas of this world ‘untouchable’. This aura of
invincibility makes his bosses at Gamtel to ‘fear’ him; in the sense that
they do not want Gassama to LIE about them. More competent people at Gamtel
will also not want to ‘shine’ and expose Gassama’s ineptitude. At the end of
the day, you have the empty barrels (making the most noise and PRETENDING to
be AFPRC/APRC insiders) lording over more competent talent. Those
hardworking Gambians that are more competent than the Gassamas (sycophants)
of the country should stand their ground and expose the Gassamas of this
world for what they are. Gassama does NOT speak for all the young,
intelligent and honest civil servants in the country. Most of the things he
talks about, he does NOT even have a clue about. I just saw how Mr. Nyang (a
veteran in the tourist industry) just ‘corrected’ him. Rather than taking
the rectification in good faith and with class, he tried to finesse his

When Yusupha tried to inculcate some sense in his clearly irrational
exuberance about the tourism sector, the man rudely stated that the ideas
touched on by Yusupha were already being implemented by the mental midgets.
This is the man that constantly yap here that people do not give them ideas.
But when you try to give them ideas, he is curt with you because he does not
want to hear anything ‘negative’ about the morons ruining our country.
Yusupha is right that Gassama (as usual) blames everyone else except the
real culprits. If the government lets the human rights situation in the
country deteriorate, Gassama would rather blame the tour operators that
caution their tourists than blame the people that PROMOTE the human rights
abuses. Does this make sense? The ILLEGAL usurpation of power by
trigger-happy thugs on July 22, 1994, is the single most important reason
for the problems in our tourist industry. That problem was compounded by
fielding inept family members and fellow junta members to a position they
had absolutely no idea how to run. This is why the morons only focus on
micro issues like ‘bumsters’ and condescendingly telling taxi drivers to
take a shower before going to work in the morning and telling women at
tourist market not to bargain with their customers. Instead of tackling the
‘big’ problems about law and order in the country, developing parks like
Yusupha suggested, properly marketing our vantage position as the ONLY
English-speaking country in the neighborhood with the MOST developed tourist
industry PRE-1994 – instead of doing that – you have the Gassamas of this
world and morons like Yankuba Touray telling people about ‘personal
hygiene’. See why I keep saying that the inmates are running the asylum?

Now the latest weapon in the APRC arsenal is to EXAGGERATE the criticism
people mete on them to make it sound so ridiculous that people should
criticize them. Here’s what I mean. Lately I have noticed that Gassama will
tell goofy stories mocking the AFPRC/APRC just to covertly insert
(‘porohal’) some AFPRC/APRC ‘achievement’. I just noticed the IEC/APRC
‘spokesman’ Usuf employing the same slimy tactic by misrepresenting
Opposition criticism of the October Election in order to score points for

In one of Gassama’s postings he talked about ‘planes without passengers
going to Banjul’. Needless to say, it is ONLY the moron (Gassama) that is
talking about such a ridiculous proposition. But, he is attempting to
ridicule the AFPRC/APRC critics and blunt their criticism of the illegal
outfit ruining our country. But we see through his gimmicks. Let the record
show that Gassama is the ONLY one saying that tourist planes go to Gambia
without passengers. Let the record also show that Usuf from the IEC is the
ONLY one saying that over 30,000 ILLEGAL voters were housed by the APRC at
Yundum College. This is a DISTORTION made up by APRC sycophants and
apologists. The Opposition saying that MORE than 30,000 ILLEGAL voters
partook in our elections is very DIFFERENT from saying that more than 30,000
Casamance people were camped at Yundum College at the same time. But,
EXAGGERATION is the forte of APRC mental midgets.

Finally, George, I would ask you to take solace in the fact that although I
had said here that Gassama was an incorrigible LIAR, I take that back
somewhat. I think we are getting somewhere with Gassama now. If you noticed
his latest postings, he is not giving the government credit for the sweat of
PRIVATE citizens. Apart from the gibberish he wrote thanking Yankuba Touray
(for what I do NOT know), the man is at least not reporting about roads that
do not exist and taking ownership for the government of things that the
government has nothing to do with.

Thanks again George for your contributions. And about the petition regarding
Gassama purloining Gamtel time, I am sure you mean that in jest. These
people do NOT have anything better to do than sing praises in order to keep
their jobs. Gassama defiantly told you that he will never be fired for
singing the praises of the ‘president’. You know what? The guy is exactly
right. Down in the asylum, the winners are the people that sing the most
praises and kiss up to the ‘president’. It is NOT about who is the most
competent engineer and who is the most conscientious worker. No! Remember!
It is the inmates running the asylum.

>From: george sarr <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: The reality in The Gambia today.
>Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 00:05:04 -0400

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