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>===== Original Message From signe beske <[log in to unmask]> =====
>===== Original Message From Julie Beske <[log in to unmask]> =====
TAKE ACTION! Protest the Nomination of George W. Bush
and Tony Blair for Nobel Peace Prize


They say that satire died when Henry Kissinger was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but if a Right-wing
Norwegian MP has his way, the Nobel committee will be
spitting on its grave.

Harald Tom Nesvik, a member of the Norwegian
Parliament from the Right-wing Party of Progress, has
nominated U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair and U.S.
President George W. Bush for the Nobel Peace Prize for
"decisive action against terrorism, something I
believe in the future will be the greatest threat to

According to the provisions of Nobel, the winner of
the Nobel Peace Prize "shall have done the most or the
best work for fraternity between nations, for the
abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the
holding and promotion of peace congresses." Tony Blair
has ordered more military actions than any U.K. leader
since World War II, with at least one military action
every year since 1998. George W. Bush has urged
budgets massively increasing the size and funding of
the U.S. standing military, continued and deepened
U.S. military aid for the on-going civil war in
Colombia and Israeli military occupation of Palestine,
and initiated a war not only against Afghanistan, but
an undefined, open-ended "War on Terrorism" which
administration officials daily threaten to expand to
other nations such Iran, North Korea, and Iraq. Vice
President Dick Cheney told the Washington Post that
the campaign of warfare the President has launched
"may never end. At least, not in our lifetimes." Both
Bush and Blair have refused to work with multilateral
consultation and diplomacy through peace congresses,
with Bush's refusal to secure UN Security Council
approval before initiating the war in Afghanistan, and
Blair's refusal to place the British troops occupying
Sierra Leone under the command of United Nations
Peacekeeping forces.

Urge the Nobel Institute to reject the nomination of
Tony Blair and George W. Bush. Reckless and
ever-expanding pursuit of war is not peace, and
awarding the Peace Prize for massive world-wide
military campaigns would be a slap in the face of
peace and justice activists world wide.

To take action, go to:

For more Bush and Blair's nomination for the Nobel
Peace Prize, see:

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