On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 19:13:13 +0100 "C. ten Broeke"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:

> When in the supermarket or any other place where you can buy
> products, you can see a lot of things that are MUST have instead
> of NEED to have.

Ardeith writes:
Most people don't seem to realize there's a difference
between WANT and NEED.   How many people do
you know who are deeply in debt to credit card companies
because of their WANTS???

Christy wrote:
> Instead of turning to space in case our planet gets even
> more overcrowded I  think we should try and make a
> better situation here on earth.

Ardeith writes:
Possibilities  (as I see it )
1.  Our technological society is unsustainable and will
eventually crash........and our population numbers will
be reduced..........the hard way.
2.  Our population will keep growing until all life forms
that are not directly important to our survival will be
eliminated.......whales, bears, moose, birds.....and
everyone on the planet will be vegetarian because it
is a proven fact that you can fill more bellies with grain
products than with meat.......see "Diet For A Small
Planet".......and even so, unlimited growth of the
human population is unsustainable, and will crash
3.  Humanity will make a world-wide committment to
reducing the world's population load......and to using
only ecologically-friendly technology.....(can you see
the icicles forming in Hell?)

Christy wrote:
> I'd hate to think we would become so overpopulated that we have an
> urgent need for looking into spaceflights.

Ardeith writes:
I think humans *need* frontiers......and we've used up
Earth in that respect.......I think this is one reason there
is so much trouble in our big cities.  The young people
see no hope of anything better than they presently have
.......they have no *frontier* to hope for....."Space: The
Final Frontier"

Christy wrote:
 You tell me where the link between nature and what ends
> up on your plate is then.

Ardeith writes:
I don't think most people in the US and Europe see
the link today........that's the problem.....that, and too
many humans on the planet.......

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