On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:09:32 +0900 Tom Bridgeland
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Nearly universal. I don't know any society that allows men or women
> to publicly display genitals.

Ardeith writes:
That's today......Just three hundred years ago European
explorers found people all over the globe who had none
of the "body shame" they had learned back home.  They
found people in warm climates who wore little or no
clothing except for "fancy dress" for special rituals.  And
the first Europeans who encountered the Inuit were amazed
at the lack of modesty indoors.......fur clothing was shed
and bare bodies were not shameful........these explorers
also found people who bathed several times a week if
not daily......which Europeans did not do.  Part of the
drive behind exploration was a desire for new spices,
perfumes and herbs to cover the odor of unwashed
bodies.   I doubt our primitive ancestors smelled as
bad as the Europeans of the Age of Exploration.

And to bring this back to a P-F topic.....have any of
you noticed a change in your own body odors since
going Paleo?

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