I have this HP Vectra XA desktop that has 200mhz cpu,3.0gb hd, video card and a lan card. It came with Win 95 installed and had the hd partitioned 84% & 16% respectively with FAT16. I fdisked the hard drive,removed the partitions and restablished a logical dos partition containing fat32 and 100%. I then formatted the hd then restarted with a win98 boot disk and win98 cdrom and the install went quite well except in the very final stages of detecting hardware. Upon restart, I boot from hard disk and after the windows screen comes up, the screen turns black with the message" windows protected-you must restart your computer". and below that it says 32.vxd missing/not loading. Does anybody know what could be causing this? I've re-installed and restarted on this machine numerous times with the same results. Is it hopeless?  TIA.  Edwin Bogert

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