If those really are all IGe related food allergies then that's a very tough
and difficult situation and really the only way to avoid an IGe related
allergy is to totally and completely avoid the food as these types of
allergies are often inherited and tend to stick around even when the
particular foods one is allergic to are avoided.  On the other hand if these
are food intolerances then there are several things you can do.  First thing
is figure out what else is going on with your body that could contribute to
this.  It's been my experience that severe food intolerances rarely exist
alone...Things like low thyroid, depression, weak adrenals, compromised
digestion, leaky gut syndrome,  candida etc. tend to be a predisposing
factor.  To treat the allergies it's essential to isolate the offending
foods and restore the health of the digestive system.  This is probably best
accomplished by avoiding totally the offending foods for 4-8 weeks after
which time they can usually be reintroduced into the diet in a rotary
fashion (once every 4 days).  Another option which is a little more
difficult is to go on a rotation diet from the very beginning, the problem
here is that some of these foods will still cause severe reactions even when
rotated unless first avoided for 4-8 weeks.  Restoring the health of the gut
is another topic.  I don't know how this is accepted as far as part of the
paleo lifestyle goes but things like HCL acid, glutamine, probiotics,
digestive enzymes, medium-chain triglycerides, and anti-fungal medications
for candida such as nystatin have all proven great efficacy in this area.

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