David Pohle <[log in to unmask]> writes
>I had a sudden onset of lactose intolerance at age 31.
>I would be twenty pounds heavier today had I not
>politely declined to accept dessert offers on lactose grounds for the past
>five years.

I lost weight when I first gave up dairy ingredients in my food, but in
the intervening years I have discovered many alternatives, and have
gained that weight back.

I have heard it said that you should look on such non-dairy foods as
alternatives rather than substitutes, as they *don't* taste the same as
their dairy counterparts, and if you expect them to, you will be
disappointed, but if you approach them as tastes in their own right, you
will come to enjoy them.

I very much enjoy a product available here in the UK called Yofu. It is
cultured soya, and I think I enjoy it more than I ever enjoyed dairy
yoghurts. On the other hand, many other cultured soya products taste
chalky to me, and I wouldn't spend the money on them. The ones I do eat,
I eat because I like them, and not because I am searching for an exact
replacement for something I can no longer eat.

Helen Edith Stephenson  <[log in to unmask]>