bobby, i'll put kyle to nomail then, i'll send him my phone number,

-----Original Message-----
From: Cleveland, Kyle E. [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:22 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Bobby, Ken, Deri, et al

I'll be vacationing in Florida next week, and have been home
"pre"-cuperating from the trip this week.  Doggone it if I didn't forget to
go nomail.  Dialing in to get email when there's a go-zillion CPALSY
messages is a bit unwieldy.  Can one of ya's tell me the address to send my
"set nomail"?

BTW, Ken, we should get to Hotlanta about 8 am Friday and leave Saturday am.
Didn't you say you'd be tied up with Benjamin's activities?  Send me your
phone # to [log in to unmask], if you don't mind.  We could at least
call and put a voice with a name, if nothing else.
