I must say I agree with Brent.

A question here: Who's Jasper van Beusekom ??? I know Deri, Bobby and Ken, but who's Jasper?


On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 15:50:16 -0500 Brent Edwards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Earlier today, I wrote:

> Having said all this, I'm throwing in the towel. Obviously many of you are
> aghast at the thought of frank discussions of sexuality as it
> relates to cp
> on your list. Fine, so be it. I won't post any.

I've changed my mind - provisionally.

Since I posted this, sentiment seems to be running about three to one in
favor of allowing sexuality to be discussed here as long as "Explicit
Content" is included in the subject header and appropriate/tasteful language
is used.

When I pulled the header file yesterday, I saw that the current list owners

Deri James
Bobby Greer
Kenneth Barber
Jasper van Beusekom

Might I humbly suggest that these folks get together off list ASAP and agree
on a policy and publish it.

There has been some off list discussion about forming a separate,
no-restrictions mailing list, but I don't think any of us really want to go
that far - if we don't have to.

I respectfully implore the list owners to make a decision on this matter.
