<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Like Miki Tracey, I can't eat anything which contains milk, casein, gluten,
or soy - and use a lot of different things on my food, just about everything
made by scratch.

If you're near a Trader Joe's you might try their black beens, which are
great for cooking with chicken.  I tend to cook a lot of meats with various
spicy sauces I create.  I then place these sauces on top of backed potatoes,
rice and/or gluten free noodles.  As far as air popped popcorn, you can
spray olive oil on it, and then salt it, or my favorite ... place your
popped corn inside a brown paper bag, spray with olive oil and then add a
mixture of brown sugar and LOTS of cinnamon then shake the whole mess until
everything's covered with it (yummy).

Baked Chicken or Turkey
When I cook chicken or turkey I salt and pepper to taste, place it in a pan
and fill it with pureed celery (a great salt substitute, also high in
potassium), then I cover everything with sliced sweet onions (walla walla
are my favorite).  Bake at 350 for an hour and a half to two hours.  The
gravy is great for placing on top of potatoes, rice and noodles.

Gluten Free Sloppy Joes
Brown 1 lb Trader Joe's extra lean hamburger
(obviously you can use high fat if you like, I prefer 4% fat)
add one 6oz can of Trader Joe's organic tomatoe paste

Fill the can with warm water, and then add that to your meat sprinkle a
liberal amount of Trader Joe's powdered California Garlic (I use a LOT)
then add about a half cup of brown sugar (more if you prefer a sweeter
taste.  I generally don't add salt (personal perferance) but you can salt
to taste.  Simmer for about 15 mintues.

I eat this stuff on top of baked potatoes or gluten free noodles.

Soy Free Chicken Teriyaki

1 2lb bag of Trader Joe's Frozen White Meat Chicken Tenders
(hormone and additive free)
1 tablespoon Trader Joe's powdered California Garlic
1 cup (packed) of brown sugar
Salt to taste (the more salt you use the more this stuff will taste like

Interesting note: Brown sugar, garlic and salt mixed together ends up
tasting a LOT like soy sauce; the only down part is that you generally need
to ad a goodly amount of salt.  I use this mixture when making oriental
tasting foods or stir fry.

OPTIONAL: 1 tablespoon of olive oil

I steam the chicken for about 20-30 mintues, just to be on the safe side, as
I want to make sure there's nothing toxic left on the meat (bacteria
included).  Steaming also make the chicken much more tender.  Once your
chicken is cooked you place it in a wok and add all your ingredients.  I
place a couple of ounces of water in the pan with it, however you can
substitute a tablespoon of olive oil.  Place your pan on low to medium heat
and simmer for about 30 minutes.  Stir frequently, as this mixture will tend
to bubble over your pan if you don't watch it.

You can also add a bag of Trader Joe's frozen broccoli florettes to this

I serve this over freshly steamed rice.  Tastes great.

Black Bean Santa Fe Chicken

1 2lb bag of Trader Joe's Frozen White Meat Chicken Tenders
(hormone and additive free)
1 can of Trader Joe's Black Beans
1 teaspoon full of Hot Paprika (may substitute black pepper)
Salt to taste
1 cup chopped sweet onions (I prefer Walla Walla's)

I steam the chicken for about 20-30 mintues, just to be on the safe side, as
I want to make sure there's nothing toxic left on the meat (bacteria
included).  Steaming also make the chicken much more tender.  While your
chicken is steaming saute your onions in a separate pan, (I use apple juice
instead of oil, however you can use olive oil).  When your onions are
translucent they're done.

Once your chicken is cooked you place it in a wok and add all your
ingredients, including the sauteed onions.  Cook for an additional 10
minutes.  Then serve with steamed veggies.

I'm alergic to so many things that it's difficult for me to get all the
nutrients I need.  I can't drink Gatorade because almost all all of their
products contain some sort of oil and/or soy, (usually in the form of
Bromaded sodium - which is soy based).  As I tend not to have much of an
appetite I've been forced to find creative ways to up my potassium intake.
Everyday I eat a small banana (for it's mild constipating effect, as I tend
to still have loose stool) a baked potato and lots of fresh broccoli,
squash, tomatoes, and celery (all high in potassium).

NOTE: You may not realize it but the body human needs to take in a minium of
3500mg of potassium per day.  Prior to popular belief, banana's ARE NOT the
highest source of potassium.  Both Cantalopes and Watermelons contain way
more potassium than bananas.  Strawberrys are also a great source of
potassium and contain more vitamine C than oranges (which I'm also alergic
to).  Other sources are Apricots, green leefy veggies and tomatoes.  My
favorite source of potassium is the smoothy I drink.

Gluten Free Potassium Rich Smoothy
1 large cantalope
2 large fresh peaches

I scoop out the contents out of the cantalope
(obviously I toss the seeds)
place in blender, (mash it down really well)
then blend on HIGH until completely liquid

Pour almost all of this mixture into a container which will fit in your

While I choose to peal my peaches, it's OK to eat the skins as long as you
clean them first.  Be sure to cut the flesh of the peach away from the peach
pit.  Then toss your chopped pieces (minus the pit) into the blender (which
should still have at least a cup of the mellon mixture in it).  Blend the
peaches on HIGH until completely liquid.  Then add the peach mixture into
the container holding the rest of your mellon mixture.  Mix well and
refridgerate.  I have a strong plastic lid on my pitcher which allows me to
shake it well before pouring myself a glass.  If you don't, the stuff tends
to get a little to frothy and too thick to pour.  It tastes wonderful, and a
single 10 oz glass has 1000mg of potassium (almost a 3rd of your daily