[This is a  crosspost of material I first posted on the ivu-sci
list. I am posting it here as it may interest some list members.]

Red Star yeast is often recommended as a source of vitamin B12 for vegans,
as it is fortified with B12. Vegans may be disturbed to learn that the
factory in Oakland, California (near San Francisco) that manufactures
the yeast emits more than 30,000 pounds (13,636 kg.) of acetaldehyde
(a known or probable carcinogen, depending on which authority you cite)
into the atmosphere each year. The link below is to an article in a
weekly local newspaper, describing local political opposition to
the plant:


Print article citation:
"Red Star's Rising Opposition" by Gordy Slack, the "Cityside" column
in the "East Bay Express", Emeryville, California,
20 Feb 2002, vol. 24, #19, pp. 8-9.

Supplementary notes [explanation of local references in the article,
for those who don't live in the SF Bay Area]:

1. BART is the acronym for Bay Area Rapid Transit, a regional subway/train
system that connects the city of San Francisco and Oakland, Berkeley, and
the East SF Bay Area.

2. Piedmont is a small, very affluent community that borders on Oakland.

If the pollution bothers you, remember that supplements are an
excellent alternative source for B12.

PS permission is granted to repost this on other lists. Please
limit reposting to lists where the topic is relevant.

Tom Billings