>Sounds like a rough road to be sure.  You may want to try doing what I did
>sometime ago to clearly identify and hopefully clear some of your
>I hope you like chicken.  :-)
>I started out by eating nothing but chicken breasts for a whole week.
>sure they are fresh and have no additives.  Use only salt, pepper and
just a
>touch of olive oil ( cold pressed ) to cook them.  After 7 days of this
>torture then you can add one item per day to see if you can handle certain

I'm actually planning to start something similar this week. I'll basically
be eating turkey and chicken, and using fish oils for supplemental n-3's.

>This gives your body a chance to clear out and get straight.  If something
>you eat messes with you then wait 24 full hours before adding another
>I would start with adding the paleo meats and move to veggie juices after
>that.  The juices may do better for you simply because the lack of fiber
>easier to digest.  This also gives the gut time to regroup.
>Again this is just a suggestion, but it worked for me and I found my real
>problem foods.  Right now I have actually moved on to 100% raw paleo and
>doing even better.  You may also want to consider that path if you are
>having real problems digesting.  All the raw enzymes really help out in
>area.   However raw paleo is not for everyone.   :-)

I'm actually fascinated with the idea of a raw paleo diet. One of my
problems is that i'm a college student and can't afford grassfed meats
considering the amount of meat I do eat, so I buy foods in bulk on sale. I
know commercial beef, chicken, etc is fed an unnatural diet and that
they're loaded with hormones and a greater risk of other bacteria, so I
doubt it would be safe to eat a raw food diet from commercial meats. I've
also considered getting a juicer for vegetables, perhaps this would help
with my digestion. Thank you for the feedback.

>Jim Cales - [log in to unmask] - ICQ UIN 1492607
>Columbia, Missouri USA  65203 - (573)875-5581 - MSN:[log in to unmask]