On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 23:44:09 -0500, Hilary McClure <[log in to unmask]>

>understanding is that what is really special about it is its high
>content of tocotrienols. The problem I have when frying with it is that
>it seems to smoke pretty easily. I doubt this is the fats since they are
>saturated, so it is probably the non-triglyceride components. I have
>read that these become carcinogenic when they smoke.

Smoking? Maybe some low-chain sat-fats could smoke.

My red palm oil never smokes however. Either it's different or
it may be because I only fry shortly and try not to reach big temperatures.

Mostly I fry the spices (cumin-seed, mustard-seed, cinnamon, cardamom
onion-seed and whats handy at the moment) for only some 45 seconds in the
beginning to get the aroma out.
Then I add onions or vegetables and maybe a little water
and the temperature decreases.

Next time I'll try if I can get the RPO to smoke.

