Dear Members.
On Monday Sister Isatou B.Jallow wrote asking brother Habib to explain the
Islamic interpretation of the deed of the father.I was quite impressed with
the sincerity of the question,I therefore forwarded the question to brother
Sanusi Lamido Sanusi of Nigeria for the correct Islamic interpretation of
the action of the father.Below you will find his answer.
With best wishes,
Musa Amadu pembo

>From: "Sanusi Lamido" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: A girl killed by her Father in the name of islam.!!!
>Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 17:24:46 +0000
>salam alaikum,
>many things go on in the Muslim world in the name of "honour killings",
>where men kill their daughters or sisters or wives for "bringing shame" on
>the family. In Pakistan it happens a lot and it is not necessarily when a
>woman marries a non-Muslim. People have killed their children for having
>affairs or getting pregnent out of wedlock or marrying from an unapproved
>background...All of this is forbidden and a great crime in the sight of
>allah because it involves the taking of Muslim life without just cause
>which Allah has forbidden in His Qur'an and for which he has prescribed
>severe punishment in this world and the hereafter. So first of all there is
>no justification for the murder of this girl by her father.
>As for related matters, the issue is as follows and Allah knows best.
>Islam allows a muslim male to marry a non-Muslim who believes in the
>revealed religion, say a Jewish or Christian female.This holds for all
>Sunni schools of Law based on the Qur'an Al-Ma'ida, ayah 5.A Muslim man
>cannot marry an idolatress based on the Qur'an, Al-Baqarah, verse 221.The
>shiites prohibit marriage between a Muslim man and a non-Muslim woman-be
>she an idolatress or not- based on the Qur'an, al-Mumtahana verse 10 (and
>do not retain your marriage ties with unbelieving women).
>All schools of law are agreed that marriage between a Muslim woman and a
>non-Muslim man is prohibited in Islamic Law but at worst this is
>fornication or an "invalid marriage". Until the prohibition Muslim women
>were not required to part with their non-Muslim husbands.The Sudaness
>ideologue Hasan al-Turabi once gave a famous fatwa in America in which he
>said the western world today is like Makka under jahiliyya and the early
>law which allowed a Muslim woman to remain with a non-muslim husband may
>therefore apply since Islam is in an embryonic state. I must say though
>that most ulama condemned this fatwa even though I personally think there
>is sense in it. So if this girl was Muslim and her husband was christian
>she had married in a prohibited territory and her father should have called
>her and admonished her and appealed to her to marry a muslim or convince
>her husband to convert. He had no right to hit her or cause harm to her.
>Second, the feeling that she caused him shame lacks all basis in Islam. It
>is a cultural thing. His daughter sinned against her God by disobeying His
>instruction.If she was not married to the swede she was fornicating- and
>there is no difference if the partner was Swedish or Kurdish or Arab. Zina
>is zina. No more than that. As a father his duty began and ended with
>admonishing her. Even if she became a christian he had no right to harm her
>or even disown her or refuse his fatherly duties. He was bound to carry
>them out but she loses all those legal rights like inheritance which are
>lost with a change in faith.
>However we must also remember that human beings everywhere feel that sexual
>exposes by members of their families affect thir dignity. The British Royal
>family could not stomach Diana's affairs and when she actually started
>dating an arab Muslim it hurt them deeply-indeed she may have done it to
>spite them. In tyhis sense, and in an immigrant community, the father may
>have been provoked by sniggers and mockery and gossip- and the girl should
>have known what her affair was doing to him. None of this justifies murder
>and none of it is Islamic. It is however the reality of the family, and of
>the pressures we are all under by simply being part of a society with
>common values. In the end we all have to realize that what we do with our
>personal lives accepts others, and decide the point at which we will give
>up some personal happiness in the name of family or clan or even religious
>community.I do not think it is a matter to be framed in simple religious
>terms. it is a complex human matter. How many whites would have killed
>their daughters not too long ago for sleeping with "negroes"? How many
>upper class Indians in the caste system will kill their daughters for
>sleeping with "outcasts"?
>It is not Islamic,it is not justified, it is not excusable-but I know many
>human beings who would say she asked for it-in every part of the world and
>professing every faith.
>And Allah knows best.
>>From: "Musa Amadu Pembo" <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: A girl killed by her Father in the name of islam.!!!
>>Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 15:13:00 +0000
>>Dear Brother Sanusi,
>>Al-salaamu alaykum wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu (Peace be upon you,
>>and the mercy of Allaah and His blessings).
>>please forgive me for taking your valuable time to  help with your
>>knowledge of the Shariah and interpretation of it.
>>About two weeks ago, a Kurdish-Swedish girl was killed by her own father
>>becuase she chose to be together with a Swedish man.
>>She had long been threatened by the family. She had been very strong about
>>it and brave enough to talk about it in the media. It's really sad that
>>she had to die like this. The norwegian media has taken this to mean that
>>it's a muslim thing. It's so frustrating to read and hear about it all the
>>time. My colleagues and Norwegian friends keep asking me about it all the
>>time. I have told them that I am not an expert when it comes to Islam and
>>Sharia but I think this was more of a kurdish tradition. I don't think it
>>has anything to do with Islam. The father himself had said that he felt
>>humuliated by the girl and this was the only way to gain respect again.
>>I know that a Muslim is not allowed to take the life of another person and
>>that forced marraiges are not allowed in Islam but what does Islam says
>>about this kind of killing? Can a father take the life of his daughter
>>just to gain respect in his society? If not do you have any idea where
>>this kind of culture/tradition originates from?
>>PS:I just took the liberty of directing this question to you because I
>>have been greatly impressed by your knowledge of islam and its
>>interpretation.Your answer will be posted unedited to the discussion
>>forum:-Gambia-L.Thanks profusely for your time and effort.
>>Could you also tell me if the works of Shehu Dan Fodio and other Maliki
>>interpretation of the sharia avalable in english.I only have a copy of
>>sharia Law by professor Abdul Rahman Doi.
>>I spent the whole of saturday and sunday reading your aricles.Well done
>>brother,Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will reward you handsomely in this life
>>and in the next for setting the record straight.Your writing will help the
>>present generation to know the truth.Keep going my brother.
>>With the very best of good wishes,
>>Musa Amadu Pembo
>>[log in to unmask]
>>Da’wah is to convey the message with wisdom and with good words. We should
>>give the noble and positive message of Islam. We should try to emphasize
>>more commonalities and explain the difference without getting into
>>theological arguments and without claiming the superiority of one position
>>over the other. There is a great interest among the people to know about
>>Islam and we should do our best to give the right message.
>>May Allah,Subhana Wa Ta'Ala,guide us all to His Sirat Al-Mustaqim
>>(Righteous Path).May He protect us from the evils of this life and the
>>hereafter.May Allah,Subhana Wa Ta'Ala,grant us entrance to paradise .
>>We ask Allaah the Most High, the All-Powerful, to teach us that which will
>>benefit us, and to benefit us by that which we learn. May Allaah Subhanahu
>>Wa Ta'ala grant blessings and peace to our Prophet Muhammad and his family

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