
What constitutes national interest can be easily broken down to community interests and again to individual interests. I am yet to meet someone who would willing and readily forsake all his/her individual interests for all our national interests. Have you met one before? As far as I am concerned, some of my personal interests are more important to me than some of the national interests. As the wollofs say "Suma boppa mala Gay-nal, ne wutt ne damala Banye", meaning that when I say that "I prefer myself to you it does not mean that I hate you"!

Secondly, if a formula has already been discussed and accepted at the national level vis-a-vis the constitution of The Gambia, whereby Gambians can regularly go to the polls and elect a person to lead them and they decide to elect the individual of their choice, who am I or who are you to say no to that? The tragic events of April 10th and 11th 2000 happened before the Presidential and National Assembly elections in which Gambians had the choice of rejecting President Jammeh and the APRC and elect some one else but they did not. Instead they re-elected him and his party with a mandate that has been accepted by both Gambians and the international community. According to both the national and international observers, the result of the elections were a clear reflection of the wishes and aspirations of the majority of Gambians expressed freely in elections deemed as "free and fair". This goes to show that while Gambians regret what happened in 2000 and pray that it never happens in our country again, they are willing to move on with Jammeh still leading them. By your refusal to accept the verdict of the people, who is shunning the national interest here, me or you?

Have a good day, Gassa.

There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve. -Mike- Levitt-

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