With your educational background I will be anticipating some real insightful
emails coming from you on the issue of IT, especially as it pertains to
I am sorry if your family was brought up during a discussion, in a negative
way. I am sure that your family is extremely proud of you and your
relationship with them is close despite the difference in miles.
I am sincerely hoping that the personal stuff, the negative personal stuff,
is left out in future emails so some real learning can take place.

I think I might have mentioned this before but perhaps I didn't,
My given name is Christine, no a at the end but I would really prefer that
you call me Halima despite what my email name comes up as.  Christine was
chosen for me, with good intentions but, the name means "christian", and I
am not christian so I chose Halima with the hopes that the meaning, which is
"gentle and patient" would sink in.

I hope all has worked out with the accident.
Please take Yus,


-----Original Message-----
From: Y C Jow [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:29 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Beran: The Burden Proof Is On You!

Thanks for your intervention but this one has become extremely personal.
one thing to talk smack about one another but its a completely different
issue when we start slandering folks that aint even around to defend
themselves.  This is the gist of my beef with Beran.  Do you hear me talking
about his uncle or family members?  This is where we differ in approaches.
do not abuse my business or personal relationships with folk.  IMO, this is
rule of thumb any adroit professional should follow.

But since IT has taken off so much in The Gambia, it is important that we
start to understand the history of IT in back home, with a key focus on who
the key players were.  This IMO is a valid line of thought to explore.

This will be th thurst of my argument and nothing shall be personal.  IT is
my field of study, so I think I am in a position to talk about IT issues.

I understand your concerns


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