Whenever,wishful thinking guides perceptions , the likelihood is that  those wishing and dreaming will certainly be going thru endless dissappointments!

When i see people castigating Wade for having recognised some good out of Jammeh's regime,it makes me laugh! Well...the same Wade was being praised here as a democrat and Yahya being seen as a demon only few days back! This is unbelievable! I did step in and tell some of our dreamers that those that they praised did attend Jammeh's innauguration ceremony...They brought us democratic values and we(the GAMBIANS-including your goodselves) gave them some. Wade had sent his minister of foreign affairs GADIO(because the event co-incided with the demise of late prez Senghore).Now aren't we seeing the results of Wade-Jammeh diplomacy,with the support of their people?! I said it here months ago;that the Gambia and Senegal are two states within one people.This wise dictum was derived from a statement that a 'seasoned' Senegalese diplomat said in French ie: " Entre La Gambie et le Sénégal nous ne voyons que: deux états un peuple"...This was said long before Jammeh and Wade came to power!  Now on Wade's statement during his last visit to the Gambia...I believe those who have been closely monitoring what Wade was saying in public fora even before he became what he is today, really know that the old Pa isn't the type who utters ironical words towards people! All of us can fully remember Wade's speech during his innauguration ceremony at Estade Demba Diop! Wade came out in the open and castigated Obasanjo of Nigeria and he even went against some of the guests(presidents) who were attending the ceremony.The discussions pertaining to that are within the GL archives.All of us can remember when wade openly said things that offended Ultaya of Mauritania etc,etc...Wade was speaking his mind though.So how on earth can anyone of you turn around and say that Wade was ironical when he praised Jammeh! No! because Wade has nothing to loose when he criticises someone be u a prez like him or not,considering the Old Pa's age. Wade praised Jammeh with strong conviction and not the least being ironical! Apart from the justice system in the Gambia didn't we hear and see Wade say in all newspapers both in the Gambia and Senegal that he believes the electoral system in the former is very good and  would adopt the same system in Senegal?! Please PAY for the searching and copy fees and get the copy(ies) from the newspapers that wrote it.That isn't oral history!it is written history! Are you  telling us that, if Wade recognises some good thing in Jammeh he shouldn't say it,all because of your 'wild' politics?! You people are very queer! Well in the past we saw some of you jumping and jubilating because The Gambia had pulled out of the Casamance negotiations...Yes! because some thought that war was inevitable...No! Allah will never grant the wishes of those who want to create a situation where we will be seeing dead bodies in our streets.No way! Wade's age has come with wisdom and to tell you the truth i personally spoke to Wade and Gadio on two occasions during travels and both are very positive towards the Gambia Gvt. Gadio has a family in Banjul,so do you think politics can tear the two countries apart? No!Thats why i always tell some of the self-made-cyber -warriors of Gambial that world politics goes beyond what they see on the screens of ITN,CNN,SKYNEWS etc...Likewise it goes beyond what we receive from fake sources in Dippakunda ,Kolikunda and so on... I did tell some of you when Jawara was being castigated for having accepted the olive branch from Jammeh that, let none be surprised if this good neighbourliness goes beyond the horizon they are seeing before their eyes... No one wants to live in confrontations,wars and insults all the time so we will do everything to ensure a stable Senegambia and a peaceful environment of co-habitation.

NB:For those of you who do not know let me tell you that Wade is  a renowned researcher as well and his services were being solicited by Bongo and others even when he was an opposition leader.Therefore he needs no rumours or indirect and malicious reports to know the realities on the ground as far as Banjul's dossier is concerned. He knew what he was saying in support of Jammeh and he said it with a realistic approach.

Wade's track record shows a frank man therefore i am confident that,he was genuine when he said those words in support of  Jammeh's efforts!

Good bye for now.
















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