Malik, thanks for forwarding the program of action for Sere Kunda Central
Constituency.  This is what leadership is about, knowing what needs to be
done and embarking to doing it, no matter the odds.  PDOIS is the most
misunderstood, underestimated, and unappreciated party in the history of our
country.  When they embarked on their awareness campaign folks jumped all
over the place about how we do not need this and that and call them all
kinds of names, only to turn around after the opposition lost the
Presidential election to say the same things they have been saying all the
time - electorate empowerment.  Now they tell us what they intend to do in
the next five years and beyond, I hope we see the value of what it could do
for Gambia as opposed to shooting the message down because of the messenger.
   This program, like all other programs is not a "one draft solves all",
but and evolving document, that is going to be reviewed and evaluated for
effectiveness and efficiency in accomplishing the intended result.  Let us
support them in this noble endeavor and I hope those that share their vision
would go the extra mile to also support them financially.  We are either
part of the solution or the problem.  Let us not just talk but roll our
sleeves with our partners to turn the tables around for Gambia.  It's been
four months since the presidential election, what have we done lately, that
is the question.  I hope others in the opposition that sympathized with the
UDP and NRP would support this initiative and not just see it as a PDOIS
product but a blue print that future oppositions can use.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: malik kah <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
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>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 15:41:46 +0000
>Dear Brothers and Sisters,
>Development is inconceivable without the availability of human and material
>resources. The key factor to development however is the human being. This
>why we have started with the establishment of a data base on human beings
>and the material resources available in Serrekunda Central in order to make
>planning possible.
>The following are the programmes and structures initiated so far:
>We fully recognise that only an organised electorate and people who are
>aware of their rights and what they deserve as human beings; who are
>of articulating or expressing their concerns for themselves and are willing
>to work for it, can succeed in defending their dignity and uplifting their
>socio economic conditions. This is why we have seen the need to launch this
>Constituency Development Initiative with the acronym CODI.
>                        STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE
>The strategic objective of CODI is to create the circumstances or
>environment that will enable the people of each area in the constituency to
>come together periodically to identify their needs, establish their
>priorities, propose a plan of action and set up the standing committees to
>follow up each of the areas where intervention is necessary.
>Area meetings with the acronym (ARM) shall be held as and when the
>in the area want as long as reasonable notice is given to the National
>Assembly Member to either attend or send representatives.
>The functions of the area meeting shall be to conduct community needs
>assessment survey and propose action plans, evaluate the implementation of
>programmes or benefit from sensitization schemes.
>Area working committees with the acronym (AWOC) shall be established by
>area to look into specific problems of each area in between area meetings.
>The following area working committees may be established.
>This committee shall be responsible for examining all threats to the
>environment in each area, identify dumping sites for waste disposal,
>measures for their management and monitor the removal of waste by the
>Municipal Council. They shall work closely with National Assembly Member to
>deal with all issues affecting the environment.
>This committee shall identify constraints to access to safe drinking water
>and work out proposals for a solution. They shall identify street taps that
>are available, take note of the best locations for taps and monitor and
>advise on the best way to sustain the source. They will work closely with
>the National Assembly Member to consider all relevant matters affecting
>This committee shall be responsible for monitoring the road conditions and
>identifying needs for their rehabilitation. It shall monitor all drainage
>problems, study the flow of water and identify the areas which have the
>greatest potential for flood of form of stagnant pools of water. The
>committee members shall work closely with National Assembly Member to work
>for a solution.
>The committee shall take record of all transmission pole numbers, identify
>areas that are most affected by power cuts and low voltage; keep track of
>damages to electricity infrastructure, make recommendations and keep the
>National Assembly Member informed of all concerns for action.
>This committee shall monitor the telephone wires in the area, locate and
>on record all telecentres, encourage computer services in telecentres, note
>street names and compound numbers and make recommendations on how postal
>services can best be rendered.
>This committee shall take note of all the musical, sports, arts and
>groups and talented individuals in the area, identify their needs and the
>facilities available, monitor where multi purpose centers could be located
>and work with National Assembly Member for the addressing of concerns.
>This committee shall identify the male and female organizations and places
>of congregations such as vous, note down the workshops and various services
>in the area. Identify the skills available, take note of the aspiration of
>those resident in the area in terms of income generating activities as
>individuals and as groups and make suggestions for employment generation.
>The committee shall identify any site for agriculture and other production.
>The committee members shall work closely with National Assembly Member for
>The committee shall monitor the constraints of hospitals, markets, schools,
>garages, identify locations for public urinals or toilets, parks, side
>walks, resting grounds, football fields, gymnasium and other facilities. It
>shall work closely with national assembly member for action.
>The committee shall be in touch with all the women and young persons in the
>area to find out problems that are specific to women and young persons. It
>will work closely with National Assembly Member for action.
>The committee shall be responsible for identifying all the key areas about
>which the constituency needs enlightenment, such as education, vocational
>and other civic and constitutional rights issues. The National Assembly
>Member shall draw up a civic awareness programme and invite experts in the
>respective areas to sensitize the residents. The committee members may be
>required to engage in broadcasting and using audio visual materials to
>promote civic awareness. They may assist the National Assembly Member in
>publicising issues such as National Assembly proceedings and raising funds
>to implement projects.
>The committee shall identify the needs of destitutes, orphans and other
>disadvantaged persons or victims of disaster and organise resource and fund
>mobilisation schemes to provide relief. The members shall coorperate with
>National Assembly member to provide relief assistance.
>The committee shall identify the needs of religious groups, encourage them
>to provide welfare and work with them to take care of burial grounds and
>conduct other necessary services. The members will cooperate with National
>Assembly member to carry out their duties.
>Issued by the National Assembly member
>Serrekunda Central
>(D I S O)
>Recognising that development is made possible by people, through their
>efforts and for their general welfare;
>Taking note of the fact that the Constituency development initiative offers
>the people of Serrekunda Central the opportunity and the possibility to
>articulate their concerns and work out concrete programmes to address real
>Being convinced that solidarity is needed to help the people to meet
>organise and articulate their concerns as well as to draw up plans and
>mobilise human and material resources to address them;
>We the Concerned residents of the Kanifing Municipal Council area hereby
>resolve to establish a Development Initiative Support Organisation with the
>acronym (DISO).
>The objective of (DISO) is to serve as a support group capable of
>the talents and resources necessary for the effective and efficient
>operation of the area working Committees established under the Serekunda
>Central Constituency Development Initiative.
>DISO shall serve as think-tank to help in contributing ideas for strategic
>and integrated planning by area working committees.
>It shall assist in the drafting and implementation of projects identified
>area meetings (ARMS) and area working committees (AWOC).
>DISO shall assign tasks to individuals and committees to help guide the
>operation of area working committees, motivate and strengthen committees
>experiencing difficulties, assist in the formulation of projects and the
>mobilisation of the necessary resources to implement them.
>Members of DISO shall permanently be on the ready to give solidarity
>wherever it is necessary to ensure the fullest realisation of the
>Members of DISO shall appoint four people, two males and two females who
>must have command of the languages spoken in the area to serve as contact
>The four contact persons shall maintain a secretariat at the Constituency
>Bureau for correspondence by and with DISO.
>DISO shall hold strategic planning meeting as and when arranged by members
>through the secretariat.  DISO shall establish standing committees
>specialised in different aspects of work with Area Working Committees.
>These specialised standing committees shall be accountable to the general
>meeting of DISO members for all activities under taken in its name.
>DISO shall work closely with the National Assembly Member to ensure
>coordination in all its activities.
>Issued in Consultation with
>National Assembly Member.
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