Yero, the concluding question you asked summed up your position viz a viz
the NIA. "Why fear the NIA when if you did not break the law?"  By virtue of
asking such a question you are making the inference that the NIA is doing
nothing wrong it is the victims who have something covert and that is the
reason why they are being picked in the firsy place. You see such type of
reasoning is erroneous, because it excuses the culprit and accuses the
victim. This type of logic is very loopsided, hence it  cannot stand the
yardstick of justice and that is precisely what you have become victim of.
You are failing to accept the injustices perpetrated by this institution. By
doing so you are not helping  forge a genuine democracy. You are actually
perpetuating tyranny, because instead of voicing against injustice you are
turning to the other side pretending nothing is happening. More mystifying
is your attempt to justify the actions as being conventional covert actions,
this is classic a classic case of denial. You should acknowledge as did a
judge that the NIA is acting in contempt of everybody, even whereas the
courts instruct them, they do not heed, thus treating with contempt our very
legal instituitions.

I have never purported to defend the acts of the CIA, but I can be honest to
acknowledge that they can never get away with torture or contempt of court
under US JURIDICTION, and you cannot say the same of the NIA. The NIA is
virtually kidnapping people and deying any knowledge of their whereabouts,
are you seriously not concerned abot such tactics? If not then there is no
point furthering this discussion, however, if you recognised that their
methods are not acceptable, then I will accept that you partisan but decent.
I hope you appreciate my contentions it is simply based on the facts of the
NIA'S MODUS OPERANDI, I feel there is need to re-organise the institution
and make it accountable before a parliamentary committee, that way we can
use it for the national good and avoid its excesses and arbritrary tratment
of citizens who pay their wages.

>From: YERO MAMA <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
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>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Prince and the NIA/Malik kah
>Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 18:30:19 +0000
>     Neither was i trying to defend anything or anybody brother.You have
>right to be an advocate of the CIA if u so wish but...It puzzles me to see
>Malik a PDOIS member sending such sweet milk to an institution like the
>Well Malik in as much as one fears being a culprit of George Bush's "You
>either with us or against us" likewise,attempting to entertain topics were
>the CIA is to be seen as a better tiger than the NIA or any other
>intelligence agency elsewhere is REALLY unexpected of you.
>Show me where i attempted to defend the NIA in my article? Where Malik?
>If i were defending them blindly would i have recommended training the
>agents concerned etc etc?
>Malik my position was to compare and contrast and then ask questions...?
>u carefully read my posting brother?
>Malik no security agency for that matter can escape the dirty games of
>"covert" operations.You are yet to be "seasoned" in that area i assume(?)
>Malik then should i say you are deliberately attempting to make us accept
>that the open apology on CNN as far as Lumumba's death is concerned
>especially where the CIA has been stained in that operation,is ok for you
>So despite the fact that they and the Belgians were mentioned on the CNN in
>an operation like that you still prefer them being saints over other
>intelligence agencies as far as the rule of law is concerned?
>Ah Malik?! Or  should i say that for you law is only applicable to the
>present and not the past?
>Malik please visit the following site and tell me whether you CAN see a
>better apparatus amongst these intelligence agencies as far as certain
>operations are concerned or not?
>Miscarriages in justice are more often caused by intelligence agencies than
>any other institution as far as "covert" operations are concerned Malik,be
>they NIA or not!
>The site is:(
>Malik the more we go the more i can be showing you were both the goose and
>the gander pick their grains from!
>So i wasn't defending the NIA i was just trying to let some of us know that
>its a dream for anyone to think ofa state without an intelligence agency!
>You did mention the failure of the gestapo...yes Malik! Similar  issues
>created the dark cells of the Gulag achipelago also! These agencies were
>created for a purpose and they met other agencies that played the cards
>better than them thus they were put off and demonised for me and you.
>However,all professionals be they teachers,doctors etc do use the same
>methods that they learnt from schools or training centers.So the best or
>worst depends on who understands how to make good use of what was taught at
>school and who does not!
>Now all agents are trained from the same institutions and are using the
>methods, so how can you attempt to seperate milk from sugar after the
>has already dissolved in that very bowl of milk?
>If you praise those intelligence agencies now and condemn colonialism it
>will make me reach for an aspirin!
>Who were the conductors of those methods towards our villages apart from
>those agencies u are praising here?
>If the Paris agent respects the rule of law(according to what i can gather
>from yours) more than the Gambian one and that very Parisien showed the
>Gambian one how to utilise what was learnt from METHODS AND TECHNICS,isn't
>that a paradoxical position from you Malik?!
>Malik the methods that have been picked up from Washington or from London
>are the very ones being used at GPMB!
>You made mention of the CIA answering to questions during press conference!
>Yes Malik but that was the director and other senior officials you saw.What
>did the director reply as far as the last question was concerned?
>Well Malik he chuckled and said that he'd prefer answering it in private!
>Malik that was transparency being disrespected or National security being
>safeguarded? I would prefer the latter if i were to be in the CIA
>Concealing some information at times means saving the life of agents who
>on the ground and in most cases some of those are on missions that are
>intended to save the lives of millions.
>So Malik isn't the domain of intelligence networking to slippery to
>politicise through paradoxical analysis and unprofessional journalism?
>Malik if u wish i invite u to be my guest on this.
>"Speak the speeches and let the speeches not spit you."
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