
No one is supporting the Taliban here nor do I think the author .What we are disgusting is the double standards that is blatantly wrong . It is those same kinds of foreign policies that assassinated  Lumumba, had Kwame Nkrumah in exile , let Mandela in jail for so long and many more in south America even let the Taliban grow & sell  hashish to fight the Russians ,.Remember Bin Laden was an agent for the USA in Afghanistan so were many others who killed their own for a few green dollars.What happened in Bosnia  / How they were rescued and starving East Africans left to die because they were not caucasians . need I say more!!!

 Lamin, You and I and almost all here agree that what happened on 911 was evil and wrong so there is no need to overkill or shoot the dead horse. It is very bad to abuse the victims who had nothing to do with the criminals who committed this crime, . innocent students are harassed ,jailed  and refused their basic human rights which America has fought for and maintained for ALL of us.

Even Yus agrees to that . Lamin, It can be frustrating at times especially for me as I travel a lot but we all saw such mad people around us and did little to stop the as we could not identify them . the old Wolof saying goes " Not all mad men carry sticks" (translated for the rest who do not understand Wolof)

Take it easy and let us reason as a family with different opinions

Best regards

Habib Diab Ghanim


>From: Lamin Jeng <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Interesting article by John Pilger.
>Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:22:24 -0500
>John Pilger or, shall I say Taliban John's article sounds at best
>another ultra liberal European view point or, at worst, an attempt
>by Al
>Qaeda operatives in the media to cast doubts in the public's mind
>about why
>the world should unite in the war against terror.
>In my opinion, these criminals must be pursued and snuffed out of
>every hole
>they hide in. When caught, they should be treated as the criminals
>they are
>-- not prisoners of war. Al Qaeda prisoners at Camp X-Ray in
>Guantanamo Bay,
>Cuba should consider themselves lucky to have been captured by the
>U.S. In
>their own countries they would all have been beheaded or shot by
>The U.S. and the rest of the world must vigilant in the pursuit of
>terrorists. They prey on nations that lack central governments or
>virtually fallen apart. Just as in the case of pre-Taliban
>Afghanistan and
>Somalia where they would side with the faction that supports their
>tendencies, propel them to power and use their citizens to carry out
>heinous crimes. Hence we have their network of money shops around
>the world
>manned by immigrants these countries and masquerading as legitimate
>financial exchange centers in major western capitals. It is through
>exchange centers they finance their operations. This is no secret.
>Citizens of western countries who have come out to help owners of
>operations that have been shut down are making a big mistake. It is
>very freedoms they enjoy that these people are hell bent on
>Measures being taken by the law enforcement agencies to protect U.S.
>citizens against terrorism are in direct response to the threat.
>country cannot afford another attack like the one on September 11,
>American foreign policy has had its ups and downs. Its issues and
>geopolitical implications are far-reaching and highly complex, and
>placed in the same category as that of the fight against a common
>like Usama Bin Laden and his network of the Al Qaeda criminals.
>Lamin Jeng
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