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The New Partnership for Africa's Development is a pledge by African leaders,
based on a common vision and a firm and shared conviction, that they have a
pressing duty to eradicate poverty and to place their countries, both
individually and collectively, on a path of sustainable growth and
development and, at the same time, to participate actively in the world
economy and body politic.

Peace, Security, Democracy and Political Governance Initiative
This section covers the conditions for sustainable development, namely peace
and security and the democracy and political governance.

Economic and Corporate Governance Initiative
This section covers the conditions for sustainable development namely
improved state capacity to promote economic growth and development.

Bridging the Infrastructure Gap
The infrastructure sectoral priority includes all Infrastructure sections
(on subregional and continental level), Information and Communication
Technologies, Energy, Transport and Water and Sanitation.

Human Resource Development Initiative
The Human Resource sectoral priority includes poverty reduction, education,
reversing the brain drain and health.

Capital Flows Initiative
This section includes topics related to capital flows such as increasing
domestic resource mobilisation, debt relief, ODA reforms and private capital

Market Access Initiative
This section covers market access issues such as diversification of
production, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, services, promoting
the private sector, promoting African exports and removal of non-tariff

Environment Initiative
This section supplies information on the systematic combination of
initiatives to develop a coherent environmental programme.


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