Hi Sam,
      Well...well...Sam please read thru my article once again and find out
the essence of yearning for decent dialogues! Sam my response wasn't for an
individual it was for a collective approach from many others who share the
feelings that are being promoted by Dr.saine these days! Sam i could have
been contented with those hearts i have already won behind the scenes.There
are many more subscribers who are thinking like Saine...know it or not THATS
They aren't compelled to come out and openly say so because some poeple
can't stand being insulted for the sake of politics! Hmmm...Sam as yours is
insults and carricaturing people for no reasons those people are avoiding
the reddish fangs! After all the prove can be found in your recent posting!
Why call me adjectives just because i tried appreciating what Dr.Saine
wrote.Sam as u are close to Saine and others,do you know that one of these
fellows is planning to travel to the Gambia these days?(according to my
sources).Well...lets wait for his oe her return(if he or she goes?),that
will be the best time to warn him oe her i hope.
Sam, saine may listen to u or decide not to but as far as Yero is concerned


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