Don't know about that in general, but can tell you my British grandmother met my Texan grandfather at a WWI victory celebration dance in London just after the Armistice. They were later married at the American Embassy in Copenhagen where my grandfather was stationed.  My mother was born in London, but they moved to NY just afterwards and so she had a double citizenship for the rest of her life as a British citizen and an American citizen.


"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> In a message dated 2/12/02 8:30:33 AM, [log in to unmask] writes:

> Something good always comes from a war! :)

>Considering I was supposed to be born in June but actually was born in
>March, I can do the math and conclude I was the result of the welcome-home
>celebration for my dad coming home from the Korean War. LOL
