I know the Robert Latemir story still goes around but I think I should bring
to your attention another story that is appearing in the Canadian paper now.
A family in Kelowna, BC is making headlines after the parents of a 16 year
old boy with special needs killed themselves and their chid in their
motorhome not too long ago. They had left a note saying that they were at
their wits end and couldn't handle the stress anymore.
I cannot stress enough that we as parents of children with special needs do
get at our wits end at times but we must remain calm and think of the
positive aspects of our, and our childrens lives. If you ever feel at wits
end, call a friend, a family member, a teacher, therapist or even a church
or family doctor. Help is only a phone call away and almost everyone has a
Gob bless,

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