<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Summary Barrett's Esophagus #3

I don't have Barretts esophagus, but both my brother and a friend do.
It is really something to respect and take care of for, yes, it can be a
precursor to cancer.

I think I would get a 2nd opinion for a professional.


I do not have this, but I am a nurse and understand Barrett's to be
serious enough to need treatment, or risk esophageal cancer.  The
treatment is the same as for reflux, Prevacid, Prilosec, etc.  Nexium is
not GF.

Good luck.


>Hi All, I went for the results of my endoscopy yesterday. Along with
>the CD (we = knew about that already) he found Barretts Esophagus, and
>Gastritis. He = told me I don't have to worry because it is the short
>segment Barretts = Esophagus. He said I don't have to change my diet. I
>found some information on it and this is not what that information
>says.=20 My question is, have any of you been diagnosed with this, is
>GF DIET IT CAUSES THE THROAT TO GET BAD and have you changed your diet?
>My diet is already so limited, WHAT DO YOU EXCLUDE BESIDES GLUTEN? THAT


My sister was diagnosed with CD about 18 months to 2 years ago.  In the
last year we all realized that her children should be tested.  Her 24
yr. old son was found to have intestinal damage and Barrett's.  He had
no symptoms of CD.  So . . . I decided that my children needed to be
tested (four children from age 27 to 11).  My, then, 10 yr old son
(symptom free) was positive on two parts of the blood test; his
gastroscope showed a normal intestine (I question this) and Barrett's.
The gastro. dr. we had was no help (small

town) as to what to do about this.  We are keeping him gluten free and
hoping for the best.


I always thought that Berrets was due to untreated reflux.  I have
reflux and I developed this after going GF.  I am taking medication
Aciphex and Reglan(generic form).  My GI also told me to reduce
caffeine, alcohol, peppermints, nuts, acidic foods, carbonated beverages
and also smoking effects reflux.  Drinking lots of water also helps
reduce the acid  Also not to eat or drink anything three hours before
bedtime.  You can also elevate your bed by putting blocks under the head
of the bed or you can buy a wedge pillow.

It might be a good idea to revisit the idea of medication with your
doctor.  Hope this helps.


From what I understand this can be caused by acid reflux (heartburn).
Before finding out I was celiac,  that was one of my worst symptoms,
constant,  horrible heartburn. Now that I have no gluten in the diet, no

more heartburn:)  unless of course I have accidentally ingest any. but
in my reading about Barrett's it had alot to do with acid,  and we all
know that certain foods are very acidic,  tomatoes, wines, citrus
fruits, fatty foods can also cause acid reflux.  I spent many years
avoiding these things, sleeping on my side or sitting up, living off
prilosec and zantac.

I go in next month for my first EGD after my year of being diagnosed

  I mainly want it for my esophagus since it was as affected by all this
as my small intestines were.

Like you I definately don't want esphageal cancer (known to be very life

threatening) and the second I feel any sort of heartburn or acid in my
throat,  I lay low on the acidic food,  check my foods for any possible
gluten.  Why make it any worse than it already is?

I'm not sure what he means by short segment either.  I only know about
it as a general condition,  and that it pretty much means the mucus
lining in the esophagus has been damaged to the point that it is more
susceptible to a

change, precancerous.

I would check some other web sites to learn more about the specifics,
like the mayoclinic.com and whatever you can find out there.  My aunt
works at a gastro-clinic and she sent me info a while back,  I do know
it said to get check ups throughout your life b/c of the large chance
that it could turn cancerous.

Definately try and find some stuff out there,  i don't want to scare you
but I would be wary of a doctor who says not to worry.

If you're having any heartburn though,  consider that it could be gluten

still causing it.  i can't believe how bad mine was,  enough to damage
the esophagus unfortunately. good luck,  hope you can find more concrete
answers to go back to your doctor with.


I also have Barretts. I was put on Prevacid for 3 years and told I need
to stay on a maintenance dose for life, with the reasoning that acid
reflux or heartburn will only make it worse and could lead to canerous
cells. Since then I have developed chemical sensitivities which rendered
me unable to take any medications or even vitamins. I did however change
my diet (due to blood sugar) and stopped eating carbs, starches, sugars.
One silver lining with all this is that I stopped getting heartburn and
acid reflux, so the Previcid isn't necessary. Furthermore, I've done
research and found out that these hydrochloric acid inhibitors
(Prevacid, Tums, etc) actually cause further malabsorption because we
need a certain amount of stomach acid to properly digest. If there isn't
enough acid, it leads to malnutrition and osteoporosis.


I thank you all for your help. Thank goodness for you folks, since most
people would just believe their doctor and research no further. I am not
that kind of person. I take action myself. Hopefully your help will save
me from getting any worse. THANK YOU!

Diana in RI