EASI Webcast: interview with Steve Jacobs, President of IDEAL at NCR about
his experience in marketing in the business world and what he has learned
about useful rationales to induce businesses to adopt accessible
information technology.

Steve points out an impressive array of audiences reached by accessible

low-bandwidth (5 billion worldwide);
Are 65 years of age and older (486 million worldwide)
Never learned to read (1.6 billion worldwide)
Only speak, write and/or understand English as a Second Language (300+
million worldwide)
Cultural diversity where the use of certain colors may give your messages
unintended meanings  or may be color blind. (230 million worldwide)
Consumers with disabilities (500 - 700 million worldwide.
Use hand-held and wireless devices

Steve is the instructor for a new EASI online course on the Business
Benefits of Accessible Information Technology beginning Feb. 4.

EASI has 3 other courses beginning Feb. 4 taught online:
Beginner's Barrier-free Web Design
Advanced Barrier-free Web Design
Barrier-free Information Technology