<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

those of you lucky enough to live in the vicinity of these fabulous mexican
restaurants will be happy to read the below.  i have no interest of any kind
in this business, except that everyone i know raves about the food.

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 5:44 PM
Subject: Reply from Chipotle


You should be able to eat everything freely, except the tortillas for
burritos and the soft flour tacos. The crispy tacos are fine, or you could
try a "naked burrito," which is a burrito without the tortilla.

There is no wheat flour in the crispy corn tacos. There is no flour in the
vegetable shortening we use in our fryers, and we don't fry anything in
the fryers that contains wheat flour. The corn chips and the corn shells
are fried in the fryer, and we don't fry them anywhere else.

Our cheese is gluten-free.

Our hot red tomatillo salsa does use white vinegar (I think someone else
mentioned that white vinegar is not good for those with celiac-sprue); the
other salsas use lemon juice.

Our chicken, steak, and barbacoa are seasoned with an adobada
salsa-marinade. There are no glutens or flour in this.

I hope this helps!


Joe Stupp
Manager, Duct Tape and Plungers


Comments: can you tell me if any of your menu is "gluten free"?  That
is, do any of your products NOT have wheat, oat, barley or rye in them,
including any derivatives such as flour and white vinegar?  i'm
thinking/hoping that your corn tacos would be okay... i'd really like to
try the food, but want to confirm i can first!  thanks!