>Yes, when it is fresh, it doesn't have much taste, but when maturated for
some weeks or some months in  dry cool air (hung on a hook in a fridge with
or without skin, or just left in the wind, maybe hung on the rear view
mirror of your moving vehicle !), it becomes a real delight with a strong
taste - as long as you need it, of course.

It seems strange to say that "aged" meat is better.  Certainly aging
has its drawbacks?  Fresh is good, but aged is good?  A little confusing.
It merely points out that this aging is necessary so that the meat
breaks down and is easier to digest.  It really indicates that we
are not well adapted to digest raw fresh meat, doesn't it?

> That said, I think the continuing arguments here about raf are pointless.
>Why do you argue, than ?

I'm not arguing.  I'm trying to make a few points, and maybe learn
Some of the posts appear to want to convince others of that which
that do not want to be convinced of.

> But let's not kid ourselves about "digestibility".  I "digested" just
> everything when I was a mixed, cooked
> food eater.
>So... ? Could you let us know why you abandonned this fine nutritious

I "thought" I was digesting everything.
I was not.


                    François Dovat                                                                  
                    <[log in to unmask]>           To:     [log in to unmask]            
                    Sent by: Raw Food Diet        cc:                                               
                    Support List                  Subject:     Re: RAF                              
                    <[log in to unmask]                                                          
                    01/15/2002 06:39 AM                                                             
                    Please respond to Raw                                                           
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