Walt, please get a life.  Have you ever listened to a radio of any kind in a
modern airplane?  The planes of today are full of rf producing electrical
devices.  Laptop computers make more Rf than does a local oscillator in a
handheld scanner or ht.  That FCC rule was promulgated in response to a
crash back in the forties when a passenger was listening to an old tube type
portable radio and it through off the plane's navigational system.  Those
old radios used to transmit with their local oscillators for blocks.  I
can't even hear the local oscillators of either my handheld scanner or ht
with a receiver right next to them.

I agree that one should not transmit without clearance from the pilot and I
turn off my equipment during takeoff and landing, but I can see no logical
reason for not listening while flying.
Bob Tinney, [log in to unmask], K8LR