Hello Kevin

Contest going - WHERE ARE YOU ?!!!!

I would like to work the W coast on 160!!!!!!!

73 de G3YXXI think you wrote  below <[log in to unmask]
hns.edu>, Nathan, Kevin <[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi All,
>Anyone going to get on in the 160 meter cw contest this weekend?  I'm going
>to get on to test my antenna and put a few new states in the log but not to
>make a winning effort.  It would be fun to work some fellow blind hams.
>Take care and 73.
>Kevin, K7RX
>Kevin Nathan, Independent Living Coordinator
>Dept. of Services for the Blind
>3411 S. Alaska
>Seattle, Wa 98118
>Voice:  (206) 721-6450
>Cell:  (206) 604-4767
>Toll Free:  (800) 552-7103
>Fax:  (206) 721-6403
>Email:  [log in to unmask]

David W Wood