"Obviously 1 % difference in genetics between Chimps and humans
can lead to a lot of differences. I don't think anyone will make a mistake in trying to distinguish a human from a Chimp."

"Does it lead to a 2.5 ratio of stomach capacity and length of
small intestine?"

For sure it could. In my opinion looking at the percentage
of DNA we have in common with other species is pretty useless.

"Of course selective pressures would be low if the new food doesn't affect LRS, but there'll be some anyway."

"No, there won't be any if LRS is not affected."

"I'm not sure of that. The survival of experienced elders can
be vital to the group."

If it is vital to the group it will affect LRS so then there
is a selective pressure leading to evolution. This is just
a proper interpretation of the theory of evolution. That evolution
happens is observable all around us and has been proven many
times. We also know very well how natural selection works (at
least some people). If you believe it or not is another story
(and hopefully one that is not going to be discussed here).

"But why draw a line between vertebrates and invertebrates?"

Simply because the only distinguishing food group between
carnivores/ omnivores and herbivores is the eating of vertebrate
meat (omnivores is not really a category, because they don't
have any distinctive charactersistics). So if we want to know
if humans should be considered carnivores/ omnivores or herbivores,
that is the food group to look at.

"Are eggs vertebrate or not."

Of course eggs can become vertebrates. Point here is if a food
can be easily obtained by as well carnivores/ omnivores as
herbivores. Eggs can in theory easily be obtained by herbivores,
so that is why they cannot be excluded as a possibility in their
diet. Vertebrate meat is the only food group that cannot be
obtained by herbivores.

"See that (our teeth) are finely adapted to the job (of eating
vertebrate meat)."

That we can do something doesn't necessarily mean that we are
adapted to it. In my opinion, if humans do something that is
not done by comparable animals for the characteristic under
study, they are playing a dangerous game (sometimes referred to
as "Playing God").

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