On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 18:35:59 -0800 "C.B." <[log in to unmask]>
> Erryn Pollock wrote something about how salt use might be validated
> by the 'aquatic ape theory'.
 But pray tell, what's that theory say?

Ardeith writes:
I'll try to keep it short.....at some point after our
ancestors began to go on two feet, they found
themselves habitating the sea-shore lands, and
found food easily obtainable in shallows and
tidal-pools.....so we spent a portion of our
evolutionary time wading in the sea feeling for
clams with our feet,  then finding rocks to bash
open the clams.   The theory is supposed to
explain why human females have large fatty
breasts.....to keep milk warm for our infants
.....which other primates don't have to worry
about as they don't wade around in the sea.
The theory also goes into our body hair patterns
which seem to be designed to shed water quickly.
.....such as eyebrows.   There's a lot more to it,
but I said I'd keep it short.....

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