Arjen writing as Stephanie:
>Since some people are obviously reacting aggressively, I will
>adhere to what I said in my first post (that it is not extremely
>likely that I will react). This will be my last reaction to
>the posts. I might sound a bit harsh here and there and I apologize
>for that, but I am tired of dealing with people with attitude

May the record reveal that:
1. My posts regarding Arjen were only in reply to public attack posts by Arjen
and "Stephanie" (Arjen posting as Stephanie). Who started the public attacks?
Answer: Arjen and "Stephanie".
2. Arjen has repeatedly attacked me in public, often in a vicious manner.

Because of the above, the attitude problem is with Arjen and "Stephanie".
As well, Arjen and Stephanie are the ones who are aggressive - not me.

Arjen writing as Stephanie:
>I just want to show people that you don't understand evolution,
>so they know not to take you too seriously.

So far you have shown that you don't understand logic. As well,
Arjen was in the habit of reading the pseudoscience over on the Forum and
coming here and proclaiming it to be absolute scientific truth. That's not
reasonable - much of the material on the Forum is written by someone with zero
science training, and zero scientific integrity (in my opinion). As an
example of the latter, the bogus claim that the human canine tooth reflects
adaptation to plant foods originated there, with the one citation that does
not support it. So when someone repeats unsupported nonsense verbatim and then
viciously attacks me for having no "scientific integrity" - well, rational
people can see that it is a waste of time to interact with people who
display such warped reasoning and hostile behavior (in my opinion).

To finish: "no" means NO; show that you are a grown-up by moving on and stop
the vicious personal attacks. In my opinion, your behavior is what one
would see from an angry, irrational, immature fruitarian crank. More
important here: you can change - you don't have to display this

Tom Billings