Kirt said:

> There must be an overall positive trade-off
toward cooking or it wouldn't be so prevelant.

Imagine if you will, a proto human, eating all raw foods (whatever they
are).  This human is accessing all of the locally available foods that are
palatable raw, and thriving.  Then, suddenly, or gradually, those foods
that are palatable raw are not available.  (let's assume that controlled
fire exists).  The human is left with foods that for good reason he/she did
not eat raw, and finds that they are edible cooked.  This human survives.
This is your overall positive tradeoff.  Survival.  I hope you're not
basing your diet on this logic, what with all the negative aspects/effects
that are introduced by cooking, unless you are in this same sitation?

I know, this is complicated stuff (culture, cultivated food problems) , but
I found this logic a bit weak.
