> >What I find disturbing are the goofball rip-offs of "paleo" >terminology
>that seem to be popping up at an
> >increasing rate in the popular press.

Speaking of which, Glamour (or was it Cosmo?) had reference to Cordain's
book.  They listed several new and not-as-new diet books in three
categories, one of them "Cavewomen Diets" with a picture of our pal Wilma
Flinstone above the list.

Which "cavewoman" book was their favorite?  Of course, that lame-ass excuse
for Paleo nutrition that came out in '01, written by a woman whose name I
forget, who seems to think whole wheat is what cavemen ate.  They also
referred to low-carb diets as "dangerous high protein diets in disquise."

I thought of buying this rag just to bring us all up to date on it's
"wisdom" but then I thought about resolving never to buy one of these shiny
fishwrappers again, they make me so mad.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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