Yus & Mr. Ghanim:

I think you are confusing religious tolerance, friendship, and good
neighborliness with actual participation in non-muslim holidays and
celebrations. Allah does NOT forbid us to be tolerant and respectful of
non-muslims. Yus, disbelievers in Islam are people who do not believe in the
Oneness of Allah(SWT) and Muhammad(pbuh) is the last messenger.

Mr. Ghanim, regarding the tradition surrounding our naming ceremonies, it
does not compare to what we are talking about here.

Ebrima Weyeh: I read you post and I don't see anything you wrote that refers
to the topic above. We are not talking about Islamic Fundamentalism ( a term
coined in the West), Usama Bin Laden or the secret service agent debacle.
Islam is NOT a laughing stock in the West. You might think so but it is not.
All the harassment against Muslims in the diaspora is a test from
Allah(SWT). The Prophets suffered more than we could ever imagine. This
calls for Jihad within our selves(remain  obedient and steadfast in our

For G_L members who shy away or are offended by religious Postings, my

** Yus I await your Islamic new year's greetings:-)

Take Care,

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