Yus wrote:

"Gassama is perhaps the most confounding member of this group. Sometimes, he reminds me of a gullible ten year old who believes everything his father says. However, the man is an expert at feigning stupidity. He is not as dumb as he sounds and this leads me to believe that he understands the problems of this regime, but has dug himself into such a deep hole that any change about face will result in his burial. He is therefore a selfish animal of opportunity".

You see, the problem I have with some of you is your tendency to personalize things rather than objectively dealing with the issues at hand. For example, when I say Jammeh is good for the country, prove to me otherwise by stating the facts you have and see if I cannot defend mine. Narrowing things to who says what is not very relevant to me; and that is precisely why I don't like to deal with issues that concern individuals.

Finally, I really cannot understand what gave some of you people the idea that I am in this for anything other than my own volition. It baffles me but does not worry me one bit!

Have a good day, Gassa.

There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve. -Mike- Levitt-
>From: Y C Jow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: In The Best Interest of The Gambia?
>Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:37:59 EST
>Ngorr & Momodou:
>Thank you for your rejoinders in helping dispelling this absolutely silly
>notion that conscious objectors are unpatriotic.
>The reason we have all chosen to embark on this noble undertaking is simply
>because when we see wrong being perpetrated on our countrymen, we call it
>exactly like it is. No amount cajoling from the perpetrators of the horrible
>'laissez faire' attitude which has held us back for so long will make us
>abandon our principles as it concerns this murderous & inept regime.
>Jamfa Conteh is a confused brother who has been here for too long. Mind you,
>he did show the same symptoms when he posted in another forum a few yrs ago.
>I then accused him of flip flopping like a fish that had been thrown out of
>water. The Gambia-L gave him another lifeline but again he has again
>relapsed into another bout of violent flip-flopping. It's a shame because he
>is truly a nice guy.
>Jallow Bojang however, is a different case. He is truly a treacherous human
>being, evidenced by his spreading nasty rumors about my family. His own
>sister wrote to me and presented me the evidence of this numbskull's
>Lets keep on doing what we do best and ignore some of these risible
>accusations coming from folks who don't even think before adopting ridiculous
>cliches such as these.
>Happy MLK day to everyone, and inhis famous words:
>"Let's keep the dream alive"
>To view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface
>at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html
>To contact the List Management, please send an e-mail to:
>[log in to unmask]

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