Conteh, what I am about to say to you, you can take it to the bank.  I am
one Gambian that would NEVER (in the name of ‘compromise’ and ‘tolerance’)
support AFPRC/APRC.  I do NOT wash my hands and drink the dirty water.  I am
NOT a slave.  As I have said here on numerous occasions, some can be older
than Methuselah and will still NOT command my respect.  If people want to go
and enslave themselves to children that stole power from them and torture
them for seven years, they can be my guess.   But let that person NEVER put
in his/her mind ideas that I will respect them because they happened to have
experienced more summers than I have.  What I call arrogance is adults that
do despicable things and then turn around and try to force me to respect
them.  You can check the hundreds of posts I sent to G_L and you will NEVER
see me disrespect anyone (older or younger than I am) that deserves respect
from me.

Contrary to what you think, I am a very happy man.  I have a clear
conscience.  I do NOT betray (‘jamfa’) people.  I have NEVER killed a fly
let alone kill a human being in cold-blood.  I do NOT steal from poor
people.  I work very hard to feed myself and my family.  I do NOT tell lies
to please other human beings.

I do not want to enter into a philosophical discussion with you about how to
treat your enemies.  Be my guess and dine with the Devil until you get
stabbed in the back.  I have enough friends and I do NOT need approval from
my enemies.  In my book, enemies (especially the type that would murder
children as young as three) should be crushed and not appeased.

Conteh, you should not be asking me whether we can work together for the
interest of The Gambia.  I am NOT the one that changed.  You are the one
that adopted new tactics and is going with the maxim: ‘if you can’t beat
them, join them’.  See, I still believe in the struggle.  I do NOT believe
that Yaya et al can be reformed.  But I do believe that they can be
defeated.  I will NOT give up and join them.  It takes more than that to
emasculate me.  I am NOT a slave.

>From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Dampha:RE: A[PPP]RC --- Jawara's New Home????
>Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:38:36 -0500
>Mr. Dampha?
>It is interesting that you are still angry.  It is
>sad that you refuse to compromise.  Your political
>arrogance, lack of respect for the elderly, and refusal
>to know that the ship has already left, will make you
>a sad man.
>Sometimes it is apparent that one takes a wait and see situation.
>You are shooting from left to right.  You may be 100% right on some
>issues, but you are negative 300% wrong in behavior.

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